شهادة إعتماد الجودة من السفارة البريطانية
Certificate of Quality From The British Embassy
العودة لاعلا الصفحة
شهادة إعتماد الجودة من الهيئة السودانية للطاقة الزرية
Certificate of Quality From The Sudanese Authority of the Atomic Energy
شهادة إعتماد الجودة من المجلس الوطنى
Certificate of Quality From The National Council
شهادة إعتماد الجودة من بنك السودان المركزى
Certificate of Quality From Sudan Central Bank
شهادة إعتماد الجودة من هيئة المخزون الاستراتيجى
Certificate of Quality From
The Strategic Reserves Authority
شهادة من حركة جيش تحرير السودان
Certificate of Quality From Sudan Liberation Movement
Certificate of Quality From The African Summit
Return to the top of this page العودة لاعلا الصفحة
مقاطع فيديو من بعض طلاب كامبردج السودان
Video Clips of Testimonial from some of Cambridge Students
مقطعين فيديو- 02-01 |
شهادة من المدير الاكاديمى الاسبق لمراكز كامبردج السودان
Testimonial from the x Academic Manager of Cambridge Sudan
My wife and I worked for Cambridge International and with Cambridge Sudan from May, 2004 till the end of December, 2005. We came to Sudan after teaching in Turkey. Overall, we found the experience enjoyable and the experience was once in a lifetime. There aren't many advertised teaching jobs in Africa. The students were some of the best we have encountered during our years of international teaching. s far as the education, it's what the students and teachers make of it. I enjoyed teaching my business classes and students did improve and progress. Education really does make a difference. Joe Bulterman International School of Choueifat PO Box 2077 University City Road, Industrial No. 6 Nr. Cricket Stadium Sharjah, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES +971 6 558 2211 +971 055 942 5049 (Mobil)
شهادة عميد كلية كامبردج بريطانيا
Testimonial from the dean of Cambridge College ( Britain)
CITC has been a good Affiliate of Cambridge
International College for many years (since
January 2003, in fact); Cambridge International College - DavidL@cambridgetraining.com
شهادة من مدرس بريطانى بمراكز كامبردج السودان
Testimonial from a British Teacher in Cambridge Sudan
I am an American currently serving a one-year contract with Cambridge in Khartoum. Although i ve traveled often, this is my first time to live for an extended period overseas. Thus, I have had all the normal apprehension in adjusting to a new environment, and specifically theenvironment of a nation that is still developing. Still, I must say with all honesty that I have enjoyed my time in Khartoum and at Cambridge very much. .